xhost +local:
“xhost +local:” allows running programs with root permission on Wayland.
You need an internet host without SMTP blocked like your home internet service. The idea is to use it as a relay on a different port like 225 which isn’t blocked. Setup your localhost to deliver your email. Setup a port forwarding on your router. I used port 225 on the outside to port 25
Get Around Linode Blocking SMTP Read More »
I use ansible to keep all my computers consistent and install the same packages on all the systems. First I install my ssh key. Then I allow the sudo group to run sudo without supplying a password. Then I run the following ansible playbook (of course the ip address OR ‘HOSTS’ is assigned by DHCP):
I clicked on the “Start” button and the menu came up but when I started typing nothing happened. And when I selected “settings” from the menu I could not type any characters in the search box where it said “Find a setting”. Also, I could not type in the search box at the bottom that
It was harder to do than you might think. As it turns out, it was hard-code in the theme. So I grep’d recursively for “(‘d.m.Y’)”. Thanks to google I knew what to search for. I was using the shiny-blog theme. I found it in single.php and content.php. It was in two places, one for displaying
Changing the Date Format on Posts Read More »
Two copies of the same share would show up when I browsed the network. I added the following: to I found this link that told me what to do: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1138394/seeing-ubuntu-server-19-04-twice-on-clients-probably-avahi-mdns-issue